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Denied, now made aware.Insurance companies operate with a chilling efficiency. They don’t skulk in the shadows or hide behind locked doors. They work in the open, in glass towers and boardrooms, dressed in fine suits with polished smiles. They exploit your fear, your vulnerability, and your inevitable misfortune, and they do it all with a handshake and a reassuring voice. They are predators wrapped in...0 Comments 0 Shares 2K Views
Department of Defense, based on a true story.You made this. Look at me. Go ahead—take it all in. The scars, the hunch, the height that betrays me before I even speak. You think you know what you’re looking at, don’t you? You think you see the sum of all the little cruelties you dished out over the years. But let me tell you something: you don’t see the whole picture. No, what you’re seeing is your handiwork,...0 Comments 0 Shares 2K Views
Simple country girl, my assThe moment you clicked, it was like flicking a switch. All that distance we’d stacked between us dissolved, and suddenly, there we were—trading quips and half-truths, stumbling over nostalgia and all the memories we still carry. As always, you shrugged off my praise, calling yourself “just a simple Country Girl in the big city.” But I can’t help wanting to edit...0 Comments 0 Shares 1K Views
STFU & writeIt should have been a yes. A simple yes. A nod of agreement. That’s all it would’ve taken to move on, unnoticed, unbothered. But no. I opened my mouth. I apologized. I explained. I said far more than anyone asked for, and then, because I can’t leave well enough alone, I apologized again. “They’ll understand,” I told myself. It’s family. Family...0 Comments 0 Shares 944 Views
The first lesson in lifeWeakness. A fascinating creature, isn’t it? It doesn’t barrel through the door with a roar. It slips in quietly, unassuming, like a shadow at dusk, until you realize it’s taken root in your bones. My weakness wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t even my own. It was crafted, meticulously, in one place: her room. Her room. The battleground....0 Comments 0 Shares 1K Views
The True Crime Story of Humanity.They’ve made outrage a daily ritual. A flood of anger, perfectly portioned, delivered through screens, feeds, and headlines. Scandal after scandal. Crisis after crisis. It’s relentless, but never quite enough to push things to the brink. Just enough to keep the blood hot and the mind spinning. Every morning starts the same. Open the screen, and there it is—the next thing to...0 Comments 0 Shares 2K Views