Enough is enough


It didn’t take long for the FBI to get in front of a podium, did it? Standing there, grim-faced, declaring what we all already knew: a terror attack. A nice, neat label for the chaos in New Orleans. Three letters to sum up the smoke, the blood, the screaming.

They didn’t even flinch. They never do. They file the devastation into their system, stamp it with the words “domestic terrorism” or “foreign terrorism,” and call it a day. And while they’ll tell us this is about justice, about protecting the American people, we know better, don’t we?

The truth is, the FBI isn’t here for us. They’re here to save face. To sweep in after the bodies are counted and the headlines are written. To remind us that they’re “on top of it.” But if they were really on top of it, why does this keep happening?

They love their press conferences, don’t they? “We’re investigating every lead. We’ll bring the perpetrators to justice.” But what they won’t say is how they let it get to this point. How, for all their wiretaps, surveillance, and bloated budgets, they didn’t stop it.

And here’s the kicker—they’ll use this to tighten the leash. More surveillance. More checkpoints. More erosion of the freedoms they’re supposedly protecting. But they weren’t there when it mattered, were they? They didn’t stop the bomb from going off in the heart of New Orleans.

The French Quarter is in ruins. People are dead. Families are shattered. And the FBI’s response? A statement. A promise to do better next time. Next time. As if we’re supposed to accept that there will always be a next time.

They’ll get their man. Or they won’t. Either way, they’ll pat themselves on the back, spin this into another reason why they need more power, more control. And we, the American people, are left picking up the pieces.

I’m angry. Angry that a city like New Orleans, a symbol of resilience, has to endure this. Angry that the agencies we’re told to trust always show up after the fact. Angry that in their eyes, we’re just collateral damage in their endless game of posturing and politics.

This is America in 2025. A country where the FBI’s declarations are just the soundtrack to our suffering. A country where we’re told to stay strong, to keep going, to rebuild—while the people in power sharpen their tools of control.

New Orleans will rise again. We always do. But this isn’t about resilience anymore. It’s about accountability. It’s about demanding more from those who are supposed to protect us.